
Water your lawn efficiently

Water is essential to a healthy lawn, just as much as good soil and sunlight. It should not be such a hard task, but to most people, it is. Here are five easy things to make your watering more efficient.
-Water your lawn only when it needs it.(The first three to four inches of soil below the turfgrass should be dry before you water.)
-Water less frequently and more deeply. If you water deeply, your roots will begin to grow down further into the soil. This means that your grass will perform better during hot, drought like periods.
-Soil aeration is another way to get your grass to use water more efficiently. The Aeration process makes little holes (usually 3-4 Inches deep) into your lawn to allow water, oxygen, fertilizers, and other nutrients to penetrate the soil and better reach the roots of your grass.
-Rain is your friend. Not only does it provide good nutrients to your lawn, but it also allows you to save money on your water bill. DON"T BE THE DUMBASS WITH THE SPRINKLERS ON WHILE ITS RAINING!
-The best time to water is early in the morning. This will reduce evaporation and discourage disease problems that might occur if you water during the night.

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